I've Graduated!

Haadi Majeed / May 17, 2022

3 min read

4 Years Later...

Man. If you were to ask me where I would be in four years in 2018, I probably would have shrugged and just said that I would be behind a computer just messing around. It seems like nothing in that regard has changed at all, but now I have also successfully graduated from Iowa State University with my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, and that's not it either! I have accepted a full time position at John Deere working as an embedded software developer! I have some time before that begins in early June, and thus I have been planning a few things for this site as well. I want to update the portfolio page, a new resume, and a project page as I start working on new side projects. I am exhilarated to begin at Deere, but am also grateful that I have time to unwind from college before I start this next adventure.

It Still Feels Surreal#

Honestly, it still has not properly hit me that I have graduated, I keep feeling that I have some assignment left to do. But nah, it's all done, for now at least. I have left behind a lot of friends, and split ways from many others, but I am determined to keep in touch with all of them and even meet up with as many as I can since we all have become such good friends over our time together.


Looking ahead, I have a few ideas of projects I want to get into, one of them is setting up a Network Attached Storage Server, or a NAS, so my family, close friends, and myself can have large bulk storage. I have started collected the necessary hardware, but this is still early in development. Additionally, I wish to move the website off of AWS and eventually host it myself off either that same server, or another one, perhaps with a password vault, a git server, and maybe even some game server for fun as well. Those are all a bit away from happening though, and are just plans. Of course, this website is also a project I plan on continually maintaining and working on as well, so expect more things here too!

Website Update#

Over the next few days, I'll be updating things around the website such as the homepage and the about me to be more accurate and correctly display info such as the fact that I have graduated and other smaller things!