Big changes!

Haadi Majeed / October 01, 2021

2 min read


So I have been planning this for a while, but I have finally gotten around to it. There are currently 3 main pages, About Me, Portfolio, and a Resume, in the works for the past 2 weeks, and I finally have sufficient progress to warrant a post and a push it up to production.

What all is now here?#

Currently, this push will make a few things occur, first and foremost, 2 new tabs will be immediately visible on the top nav bar, that being About Me and Portfolio which go over a bit of who I am and what I have done in a more summary form.

What's left to do?#

There are currently a few loose ends to clean up as this post goes live, such as my resume not yet going live, however this is mostly because I wish to revamp it before publishing it here, for the world to see it. Another thing I am trying to get happen in the background is for the website to be the top result on google when Haadi Majeed is searched. At the time of writing this, this website is the third result, which is a great improvement from what it has been in the past.

Another thing that is still in the works is the tail end of the portfolio page, I still want to add reflections on how my academic career have gone.