Where I've Been

Haadi Majeed / April 05, 2022

1 min read

Oh hey, how ya doin?

Sorry I've been absolutely silent. I have been working away on my final semester at ISU, applying for jobs, being an RA, working a research lab, and a lot of other life stuff. All of this while trying to enjoy the limited time I had left with my friends at college. Once all my finals and such are done, I plan on making another post here and eventually update things around the site as I get the chance to. For the time being, I hope to brainstorm more things that I can do with this site. Also, with many searches and a full year after the launch of the site, I finally have this site as the top result when you search my name online (or Haaduken)!! I am so pumped that it has climbed that high up the system.